全日本ラリー選手権4Cクラス Japan Rally Championship 4WD C-class |
The higher rank of the rally is occupied by "Subaru Impreza" and "Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution". |
ほえほえ (Web Naster)Feb.15, 2005 |
全日本ラリー選手権4Cクラス 2 Japan Rally Championship 4WD C-class No.2 |
"Mitsubishi Lncer Evolution" is the rally car most famous for Japan. The base color of the car used for a race is white. Each team paints a car the color of oneself teams. |
ほえほえ (Web Naster)Feb.15, 2005 |
全日本ラリー選手権4Bクラス Japan Rally Championship 4WD B-class |
The turbo of the turboengine car of 4WD is removed in the class. "Impreza" and "Lancer" occupy a higher rank too. |
ほえほえ (Web Naster)Feb.15, 2005 |
全日本ラリー選手権4Bクラス 2 Japan Rally Championship 4WD B-class No.2 |
If it is the same horsepower, the car of the old model is lightly more advantageous than a new model. |
ほえほえ (Web Naster)Feb.15, 2005 |
全日本ラリー選手権4Aクラス Japan Rally Championship 4WD A-class |
『ダイハツ・ストーリアX4』モータースポーツのためだけに作られたこのクルマは脅威のスペックを持ち、コンパクトカーでは無敵を誇ります。新車時でブースト圧1.7kg cm-2まで上がるのは圧巻
"Daihatsu Storia X4" is the car made only for motor sports. The car is matchless in the race of a small car. Turbo boost pressure goes up by the standard to 1.7kg cm-2. |
ほえほえ (Web Naster)Feb.15, 2005 |